Update to Technical Bulletin on Transom Closers


Update to Technical Bulletin on Transom Closers


Following our decision prior to Christmas 2016 to cease supply of transom closers, we can now advise the following.

The issue, a change made to the latching valve in production by our supplier without consultation to, or approval by Alpro Architectural Hardware, led to a situation whereby that valve could leak or pop causing closer failure.

Once aware that there was an issue, we chose transparency and the cessation of supply until such time this problem was fully understood and resolved.

We do of course appreciate the difficulties this will have caused for customers and apologise. However in ceasing to supply, we do hope to have acted promptly, professionally and in the best interests of all of our customers to limit issues that they may have experienced further down the line.

We now have a resolution in place which we are implementing with immediate effect. However, this rectification will take a short time to implement. We envisage being in a position to resume sales of our closer range by the end of March. This could however, be sooner depending upon the progress we make. We will of course keep you fully informed at all times.

As an aside to this notification, Alpro Architectural Hardware would like to thank all of our customers for bearing with us over the last few difficult months. Your continued support is not something we would be so arrogant as to assume, however, where that support is offered, it is certainly appreciated by all here at Alpro and we look forward to working with all of customers again shortly.


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